SDS Imports

Established in 2017 in Knoxville, TN, SDS Imports has four divisions. They include Military Armament Corporation, Spandau Arms, Tisas USA and Tokarev USA. In 2021 the company announced Tim Mulverhill, a 16-year veteran of the firearms industry, was appointed CEO.

Mulverhill formerly worked as COO at Samson Manufacturing and was director of product development for Kimber. “SDS is uniquely positioned to capture additional market share in the aftermath of the pandemic buying spree,” Mulverhill said in the press-released announcement. “Unlike other import houses, SDS has working relationships with our suppliers who deliver product made to SDS specifications and quality standards. These arrangements are facilitated by the presence of embedded staff at the point of manufacturing, who drive quality and product performance. In parallel with these existing partnerships, SDS intends to bring manufacturing to the Knoxville area with the support of our overseas partners.”