From Rubline Marketing
1791 Gunleather is excited to release the perfect combination of form and function with their new Paddle Optic Ready Holsters. The Paddle Optic Ready Holster provides the same great retention and fit you can expect from every 1791 Gunleather holster with the addition of the paddle for day to day functionality.
The Paddle Optic Ready allows you to slip the holster on and off at a moment’s notice, making running errands easier and switching out your everyday carry for your range pistol quicker. No retention or comfort is lost. The paddle positions the holster tight to the body and ensures that there is no movement on your waist while completing any physical tasks. Made to mirror their Belt Holster line-up, this new line of OR holsters works with every firearm that their BH line works with, while adding the “OR” cut necessary to carry most types of optics.
As an added bonus each of these holsters is equipped with a sweat guard or shield that protects you from your firearm rubbing against your body and protects any controls you may have on your firearm including manual safeties and de-cockers. This holster also includes an adjustable cant which solidifies it as the best leather holster on the market. This allows you to dial in your perfect drawing angle and personalizes your holster and carry style.
The 1791 Gunleather Paddle Optic Ready Holsters come in a wide range of styles and are available in three premium colors including Signature Brown, Classic Brown, and Stealth Black. Paddle Optic Ready Holsters are available for purchase online.
The company also offers a more traditionally styled Ultra Custom Multi-Fit Holster.
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