Hybrid Light Takes Industry Lead in Innovative Zero Emission Flashlights

From Hybrid Light

Hybrid Light, a solar-powered, mobile lighting, and charging flashlight company is taking the industry by storm with their innovative, zero emission flashlights.

Terry Peterson, CEO of Hybrid Light shared a secret, “The biggest features we want our consumers to know about our flashlights is their amp power, their promise to be zero-waste, and their lack of harmful, leaky batteries to discard. That’s a win-win for everyone! How lucky are we to produce such a strong light, while also protecting our environment?”

Their line of products consists of everything from traditional hand-held flashlights, to headlamps, speakers, lanterns, and their magnet multi-light– Mammoth. As for the products’ construction and composition, Hybrid Light’s products are made with a durable and lightweight polycarbonate and PVC blend plastic, meaning they’ll float and are waterproof to a certain extent.

To check out more of their products, please visit their website.