I recently interviewed Tom Victa, FN America pistol product manager, and asked him about FN optics-ready pistols and mounts.
GJS—Is the cut on your slides for optics compatible with other systems on the market or do enthusiasts need to purchase your adapter/plate to mount a red dot?
TV—FN’s optics-ready FN 509s feature our patented Low-Profile Optics Mounting System, which has everything users need to mount most pistol red dot optics straight out of the box, including a handy reference guide to tell you what MRD insert and screw set go with which optic. Whether you’re new to optics-ready pistols or coming from a different platform and want to upgrade to an FN 509, you have everything you need in the case to transition to your FN setup right away.
GJS—Is there anything owners of your optics-ready slides need to watch for or keep in mind?
TV—We believe there are many great pistol optic options available out on the market and even more coming soon, but they are all a little different. This is why we developed the patented mounting system, so as the user you can mount up most optics with everything that comes with the pistol regardless of your optic preference.
GJS—Is there an advantage to your system over others on the market?
TV—FN created the first factory red dot pistol almost 15 years ago, so we know a few things about mounting red dots on pistols. With the FN 509 Tactical and MRD models, we took a fresh approach to mounting an optic to a pistol. Our patented Low-Profile Optics Mounting System allows the user to direct mount the most popular red dot pistol optics straight to the slide. The system allows for interchangeable steel recoil bosses and reduces the overall height and weight for optimal performance. FN lead the way for factory red dot optic ready pistols and continues to drive forward the with FN 509 Tactical and MRD pistols.
GJS—Is there anything you’d like to add to help dispel confusion on plates/adapters/footprints?
TV—We developed our system to do exactly that–dispel any confusion. With our optics-ready pistols and patented optics mount, we eliminate much of the guess work for the customer. Want to mount a Trijicon RMR? No problem, you have what you need in your case. Deltapoint Pro? Same story. As a customer who may be new to pistol optics, we wanted to create a system that was easy to use and flexible to offer the most versatility in optics. Just grab that handy quick setup guide, find your correct plate and screw set, and away to the range you go in just a few minutes.
[You can read comments from other experts in the field here.]
—Guy J. Sagi has crafted the words and images that capture the spirit of the outdoor sports and beauty that surrounds them for magazines, websites and marketing materials for more than three decades.
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